Say Cheese
Welcome to my photos. I’ve been taking and posting them online since the late 1990s, first on my personal website, then on Flickr, and now here.
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Say Cheese
Welcome to my photos. I’ve been taking and posting them online since the late 1990s, first on my personal website, then on Flickr, and now here.
If you want to receive email when I post new photos, subscribe here. You can also use the RSS feed.
Add Yours →Oh burn.
Oh ouch.
I saw this earlier but assumed it was a truck stop or something until ALG pointed out that it was your house scary.
At my house, we’re more prone to the turned-the-wrong-burner-on problem, which we repeated recently until the smoke detector noticed.
And thanks for saying my bathroom looks like a truck stop. 🙂 Well, maybe now it kinda does.
What is that? A clock radio? Looks bad.
I added some clarifying notes, Thomas. I wish it was a clock radio, then all I’d need is a lawyer to help me sue for damages caused by a product defect. 🙂
of course not; truckers would not use a green towel…
So much for sexy candlelight baths… Back to the institutional electric light bulb… but be sure test out those GCFI’s!