Particle board, duct tape, spare shoelaces, staple gun, visual instructions courtesy of Instructables, glue. This accelerated our daughter’s learning how to tie her shoes, allowing her to practice when the pressure wasn’t on to get out the door.

Say Cheese
Welcome to my photos. I’ve been taking and posting them online since the late 1990s, first on my personal website, then on Flickr, and now here.
If you want to receive email when I post new photos, subscribe here. You can also use the RSS feed.
Say Cheese
Welcome to my photos. I’ve been taking and posting them online since the late 1990s, first on my personal website, then on Flickr, and now here.
If you want to receive email when I post new photos, subscribe here. You can also use the RSS feed.
Particle board, duct tape, spare shoelaces, staple gun, visual instructions courtesy of Instructables, glue. This accelerated our daughter’s learning how to tie her shoes, allowing her to practice when the pressure wasn’t on to get out the door.
1 Comment
Add Yours →I love this, Ava. Keep working on tying your shoes. Love you, Granddaddy.